REAP featured in USDA’s Seeds of Success series

REAP and our Farm Fresh Atlas partners were recently in the national spotlight! We were featured in the U.S. Department of Agriculture‘s Seeds of Success series which highlighted a USDA Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program grant we received in 2016. The grant was awarded to launch, promote, and study the effects of a searchable, mobile-friendly, and online Farm Fresh Atlas. This support allowed us to create a consolidated Farm Fresh Atlas website for all state-wide Atlas publications. As a result:

  • Atlas listees sales increased 50% from 2017 to 2019
  • Weekly customer counts increased 293% from 394 in 2017 to 1,500 in 2019
  • A three-year economic survey of farmers indicated 80% had increased sales resulting from the guides, an increase of $4.1 million in the state farm economy
  • Forty-six beginning farmers and 322 experienced farmers received marketing training and resources to further advance their businesses

Thank you so much to the USDA for their support of this project! It is an honor to publish the Farm Fresh Atlas of Southern Wisconsin each year and to advocate for Wisconsin’s farmers and food producers. To view the entire report, please click here.

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